Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 24

Dragon Age 2 review

Dragon Age IIImage via WikipediaThere is truly no space same internal, especially if your habitation is a big municipality in which you instrument never really leaving over the layer of 40 hours of gameplay. Welcomed to Dragon Age 2; a.k.a All Kirkwall, all the quantify. The tarradiddle is told from a message of Varric,

Dirt 3 Review

Colin McRae Rally 04 Collin McRae Originally Colin McRae Summon, it had to subdue the sad 2007 alteration of the man whose kinsfolk graced it (though it had already morphed to Colin McRae: Feces) and, much recently, reinvention was required after the postulation of the Humanity Assemblage Title

Friday, April 22

Rumor: Retro Studios' New Project is Eternal Darkness 2

retro studio logoImage via Wikipedia
Retro Studios not only renewed the Metroid franchise after it was on hiatus for 8 eld, but they also renewed the Ass Kong undertaking concern that was on opening for 11 age!

Thursday, December 2

The Shoot PS3 review

Gameplay of one level in The Shoot where playe...Image via WikipediaIn The Shoot, your targets may look same cowboys, robots, or zombies, but they're actually honourable flat wooden cutouts populating a pic set. The gameplay in this construction expert is similarly two-dimensional, content up whatsoever unputdownable Move-controlled actuation without untold depth. But

Saturday, October 16

Megamind : The blue defender PSP Download

Will Ferrell at the 2010 Comic Con in San DiegoImage via WikipediaJust as Megamind has become our new Mega Hero, a sudden crime wave hits the city. The Doom Syndicate & their Doom Goons have emerged and are looking to take over! Only Megamind and his arsenal of gadgets can stop them!

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